Consequence assessment
Estimating the impact of accident scenarios


BLEVE on a LPG wagon

Many things can go wrong on a high-risk industrial facility, leading to an unintended release of hazardous material, an uncontrolled release of energy or some other accidental loss. Consequence assessment is a rigorous and methodical examination of the direct undesirable impacts of a loss of containment of material or energy, including fires and explosions. It consists of estimating impacts on people, the environment and the process equipment.

Consequence assessment has applications in:

  • the design of new facilities, for instance in suggesting optimal separation distances between units, to avoid domino effects

  • risk assessment of a facility to provide input to a safety case

  • emergency planning and land use planning: estimate impact distances for major accident scenarios

This submodule is a part of the hazard analysis module.

Course material

Consequence modelling: overview of hazards

Lecture slides (PDF)

Other resources

We recommend the following sources of further information on this topic:

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