Related university courses on risk engineering and safety management

This website only provides course materials (slides, course notes, problem sets, videos); we do not have the resources available to provide any assistance or tutoring for the courseware we make available. We also do not provide for any accreditation or certification.

We provide below a list of traditional university courses which cover similar topics to our material, if you want an accreditation (recognized degree) and help from tutors.

Flag of France INSA Toulouse

International master Safety Engineering & Management, INSA Toulouse (France)

The Safety Engineering & Management international master at INSA Toulouse (co-accredited by INP Toulouse) is a M1-level (Masters) course (60 ECTS) delivered in English. It is open to students with a Bachelor of Science or an engineering degree. Much of the course material is also available for free as a MOOC at SEAM Online, with an optional (paid) certification process.

Much of the course material available on this site was prepared for this international master.

Flag of Denmark Aalborg University

Risk and safety management, Aalborg University

The Risk and safety management course from the University of Aalborg (northern Denmark) is a two-year Master’s programme (120 ECTS) delivered in English. It concerns engineering subjects in risk and safety management, with projects carried out in collaboration with companies in the offshore, energy, transportation and civil engineering sectors.

Flag of Norway Technical University of Denmark

MSc in Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety, NTNU (Norway)

The Master’s degree programme in Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety at the Faculty of engineering of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim) is delivered in English. It is open to students with a Bachelor’s degree in engineering or a degree from a Norwegian engineering college. The course covers system safety from a reliability perspective, risk management and maintenance issues.

Flag of USA Texas A&M University

Master of Science in Safety Engineering, Texas A&M University (USA)

The Master of Science in Safety Engineering teaches the principles and practices of safety engineering, for students aiming for leadership careers in industry. The course is operated by the Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center in the Department of Chemical Engineering. It is available as a distance learning option for working professionals.

Flag of Canada Memorial University

Graduate diploma in Safety and Risk Engineering, Memorial University (Canada)

The graduate diploma in Safety and Risk Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science of Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada) provides grounding on qualitative and quantitative approaches to safety and risk management. The program is intended for, but not limited to, working professionals with an engineering degree.

The courses above are relatively generic in terms of the industry sector. Some courses are more specifically focused on one particular industry:

Flag of France ENAC

Safety management in aviation certificate, ENAC (France)

The Safety management in aviation specialized master at ENAC is a one year post-graduate level certificate delivered in English. It is open to candidates with a MSc or a Bachelor of science plus at least three years’ professional experience.

Flag of the United Kingdom University of Aberdeen

Safety and Reliability Engineering for Oil & Gas, University of Aberdeen (Scotland)

The Safety & Reliability Engineering for Oil & Gas graduate-level MSc programme covers safety engineering, reliability engineering, and loss prevention.

Flag of the United Kingdom University of Birmingham

Railway Risk and Safety Management Masters/MSc/Diploma/Certificate, University of Birmingham

The Railway safety and control systems MSc is a one year full-time or two-year part-time degree which aims to create a deep and robust understanding of approaches to manage safety and risk in transport systems and projects.

Let us know of other courses (delivered in English) that are related in content.

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